be still and wait

i feel like i'm in a place of waiting.

waiting on rileigh mostly, and i would not rush this pregnancy for anything in the world because it's the last time i plan on being pregnant, and i'm just enjoying taylor-marie, but for the last few years i feel like something huge is just around the corner. it might be that i've always felt like we were incomplete because i knew we were going to have another baby and now that we are so close it's really exciting, but i know there is alot of hard work ahead and that makes me feel overwhelmed already!

it's amazing to think i will be 23 with two children. i realized this morning though that my children should not define who i am. they are a deep layer of me, but not solely me.

i also am so behind on my God relationship. i think that has a lot to do with this restlessness that is taking me over. it's just so hard to get into a good habit. bad ones seem to slip seamlessly into my life while the things i should do get pushed to the side. i just need some mental & physical energy!!!

1 Comment:

  1. Lady Em said...
    Take a seat, prop up your feet, and relax. I think that God speaks to us all the time, we just have to be quiet enough to listen.

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